
7 Ways to Have Successful Personal Power

I can’t think of a better opportunity to work for yourself during the Covid-19 pandemic. Spend more time on yourself than on your job. Having personal power is a way to positively influence changes in your own life and expand your circle of influence.

1. Be original

People value transparency and authenticity, and you cannot be authentic and authentic unless you first realize who you are. People want to connect with and learn from like-minded individuals like them, so the best way to influence them is with your true, authentic self.

We are all born with certain talents, and by making the most of these talents, we can positively impact both our own lives and the lives of those we touch. But we always tend to go our own way. Habits and attitudes in upbringing can continue to influence how we think about ourselves and what we focus on even today.

One of the best practices to help you stay on your own path is to write a list of your pros and cons. What are the things you truly love about yourself and your life? Few people find it easy to say they love themselves or find positive traits to list, the greater your capacity to represent yourself, the easier it will be to love others. What are your activities or hobbies in the time you spare for yourself? On the other hand, write down the things about yourself that you would like to change if you waved a magic wand.

2. Ask effective questions.

With your list in hand, start asking yourself open-ended and effective questions:

Why is this important to me?

What price am I willing to pay to change that?

Who can be my mentor?

What skills can I learn?

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What books can I read? Can I listen to podcasts?

What behaviors can I change to continue improving myself?

Write down the questions and let your subconscious mind be busy giving the answers. 

Time is our most valuable resource, but we spend 20% of it on our talent and 80% on other activities. Nobody is good in every field, but we all have natural skills. Focus on things you can do more. If you want to have strong personal power, to grow as an individual, increase 20% and turn over everything else that keeps you busy.

3. Establish specific morning and evening routines.

How you start and end your day matters. Some of the world’s most successful and influential people start their day with the sunrise and set aside time for specific activities to prepare for that day. Some of the activities can be described as seclusion in a quiet environment, thinking positive things, daydreaming, drawing, reading and writing. Spending even 10 minutes on each of these activities, that first thing in the morning, will put you in control of your entire day. 

Whether I’m starting my day at home or in a hotel room, I close my eyes and dream for 120 seconds how I want my day to go, how I want people to feel, and what I want it to be as a result. Now that day develops the way I have dreamed of it because I have already lived it once in my mind.

At the end of the day, I close my eyes and ask myself what works and what doesn’t. It could have been the right slogan in an email, or maybe I was in the right place for someone at exactly the right time. I complete the accounting of the day within myself.

I keep a notebook next to my bed and write down my worries and questions before I go to sleep. I guess I can do nothing about my worries and anxieties until midnight and by writing them I empty my mind and after that I am free enough to sleep soundly. Questions and concerns you may have may include, what did I learn today? Who did I help? How do I take my company further? What am I grateful for? This application lays the groundwork for you to be more productive tomorrow.

4. Gain = value.

Whatever your job, the profit you make is directly related to the value you give to those around you. So what do you do to show the people around you that you care? Do your homework and friend them on social media, connect with them. Explore what’s going on in their world so you can make a realistic and intimate connection. Don’t worry about just making the presentation or making a sale. The more you build a relationship that values the people around you, the more people will trust you. Undoubtedly, this experience will bring you success in your business.

5. Invest in people.

Invest in people every chance you get, help them by doing something good, making them happy or giving them advice, teaching something, it will return you good directly or indirectly.

Too often I believe we are completing work for someone else because we think we are helping them or because it is easier to do it ourselves than to teach the other person. But doing so will not help them thrive. True leaders develop other leaders. Therefore, my best advice to you to improve both yourself and others is to learn, do, teach a job or knowledge. If you learn, maybe you can do that job, but you may not be able to retain it in your memory. Once you’ve done that, the best way to remember is to experience the job. But when you teach this trade, you consolidate the knowledge in your brain and support the development of another.  

6. Measure your impact.

How will you know that your efforts are paying off? What does it mean, good or bad, to have personal power? Measure the impact you have made on everyone whose lives you touch. Is your criterion to increase your sales? Reaching a larger audience? What is the measurable success of the people you influence? Get constructive and realistic feedback from your environment regularly to improve yourself. 

7. Never stop improving yourself.

If we want people to imitate us, we must continue to improve ourselves as human beings. If we really want to have more success and better experiences, we must be someone who brings the right people into our lives. This will not happen unless you constantly evolve as an individual.

Strength is built when you make steady progress towards your goals. If you have done all the right things in the flow of life, now you own the day. At the same time, you should not give up when you make a mistake, and you should not forget that you are the owner of the day. Those days offer you some of the best opportunities for personal growth. When something goes wrong, people respect those who manage the process properly. Instantly correct your mistake, make changes and move on with your life.

Having personal power is at the center of everything you want to achieve in life, dreams fulfilled, goals achieved, successful relationships, and your impact on others. Spend as much time and attention on working for yourself as you do in your career, and your investment will be paid back to you exponentially.

Don’t give up on your inner strength, your personal power. Always improve yourself and follow the personal development posts on our website.

Abdul Arif Kerim ÇALIŞKAN

Dünyayı kelimelerle ifade etmeye başladığımdan beridir harflerle hemhal biriyim. Mekatronik temelli eğitim hayatımın perspektifinden ağaçların, çiçeklerin, hayvanların mekanizmalarını çözmek üzere tefekkür etmekteyim.

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